7 kristālu komplekts ''ČAKRAS''
7 kristālu komplekts ''ČAKRAS''
7 kristālu komplekts ''ČAKRAS''
7 kristālu komplekts ''ČAKRAS''
7 kristālu komplekts ''ČAKRAS''


Set of 7 Chakras Crystals

Sale price€28,00

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A set of 7 raw crystals for meditation and chakra therapy, perfect for those who want to try the effects of several crystals at once!

The set includes 7 crystals, total weight 100-120g, each crystal approximately 30mm in size.

base chakra (red yamashma)
sacral chakra (rose quartz)
solar plexus chakra (citrine)
heart chakra (aventurine)
throat chakra (lazurite)
third eye chakra (amethyst)
crown chakra (rock crystal)

These crystals are unique natural formations, both shape and colour may vary slightly from the picture.

Description and meaning of crystals

Rough Lazurite:

Reminds of the power of the spoken word and is one of the best stones to use in opening and balancing the throat chakra. Lazurite helps to promote full verbal expression and clears problems caused by "tongue swallowing". It promotes easier expression of anger. It also protects against psychic attack by shielding negative energy and returning negative vibrations to their source.

Raw Rose Quartz:

Rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love. One of the most important heart chakra stones, Rose Quartz opens the heart to all types of love - love of self, love of family, love of friends, romantic love. Because it is a type of quartz, Pink. quartz is indeed high energy, but its atmosphere is also calming.

Raw Quartz:

Clear quartz has been shown to amplify and strengthen the aura. As gifts from our Earth Mother, rock crystal comes to us with information to be learned in the process of one's own spiritual growth. It is often used to cleanse, open, activate and align all the chakras. Using the crystal for meditation and keeping it helps us to know ourselves. For a negative person this will sometimes not work.

Raw Avanturine:

Aventurine, also called gold sand, is quartz of various colours - green, blue, brown and orange - with scales of other minerals incorporated. Aventurine helps its owner to maintain a cheerful mood and a cheerful spirit, and prevents anxiety and fear. In ancient times, magicians and healers recommended this stone as a talisman to attract money and good luck.

Raw Red jasper:

Known as a powerful protective gemstone. A gentle stone, it is slow and effective and is an excellent stone to ground anyone who is overly sensitive to crystalline energy. Red Yashma helps to resolve difficult situations and can be used to ground and stabilise the aura.

Raw Amethyst:

Amethyst is a very powerful and protective crystal and is the first choice of many metaphysicians. Amethyst was used in ancient times to recover from both physical addictions and addictive relationships, and became known as the "Stone of Reason". A natural stress reliever, Amethyst can promote inner strength;

Amethyst's powerful healing energy can transform lower vibrations to higher frequencies, transforming negative energy into the energy of love!

Raw Citrine:

The name of this stone comes from the French word "citron", which means "yellow". It is also known as yellow quartz. Its colour ranges from pale yellow to golden brown. Citrine is an unusual stone that should never be cleaned.

Citrine is particularly good with the solar plexus chakra, which it cleanses and balances. It promotes joy, enthusiasm and excitement. It is recommended for purifying the aura and filling all dark places with happiness and light. It is an excellent brain stimulant and intelligence booster as it encourages new ideas and creativity, enabling problems to be solved more easily.

It is also known as the stone of prosperity and wealth and can help you not only to gain wealth, but also to keep it. Citrine is an energising stone that makes people feel good, so it is right for those who are tired and drained and need a boost of energy.

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