Orgonīts - horoskopa piramīda LAUVA
Orgonīts - horoskopa piramīda LAUVA
Orgonīts - horoskopa piramīda LAUVA


Orgonite - Zodiac Pyramid "LEO"

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Orgonite Pyramid for Leo with Amethyst Orb, Moonstone Shards and Gold Dust!

This orgonite pyramid is designed to enhance the energetics of the Leo zodiac sign and provide special benefits. Each of its components is important:

Amethyst - A crystal associated with peace, emotional balance and wisdom. This helps Leo control their emotions and develop a deeper spiritual understanding.

Moonstone Shards - This crystal is associated with the energy of the moon, which provides emotional stability, intuition and understanding of dreams. This helps Leo promote emotional healing and spiritual growth.

Gold Dust - Gold is associated with success and wealth, promoting energetic balance and development.

This orgonite pyramid enhances Leo energy, promoting emotional balance, spiritual development and healing. It gives them the ability to shine and excel at what they do best.


Our pyramids are made with the highest intention of amplifying and restoring the harmonious balance of Mother Earth. These pyramids are powerful tools that work in alliance with the crystal realm and the superior and unified power of light frequency.

Each crystal/mineral is energetically specific and can be chosen according to need. All crystals included have given permission to participate and assist in this process.

How does it work? As the epoxy cures, it locks the crystal into an amplified state with a continuous, never-ending output of light frequencies. The metals used reduce negative frequencies - together these two aspects (metal + crystals) manifest as a generator of positive energy!

The pyramid shape itself creates and increases a specific energy pattern. The base of the pyramid anchors in the energy of the earth, tightens, concentrates and merges with the crystals. These combined and unique frequencies radiate through the top point in a clockwise direction. A strong field also emanates from the sides of the pyramid in 4 directions.

By the way, placing one edge of the pyramid along the magnetic north increases the energy.

Orgonite height: 5 cm

What is orgonite?

Orgonite is a man-made object. It has a quartz crystal core and is supplemented with, for example, a spiral of copper wire and shavings of various metals. All the components of orgonite together contain and its function is provided by epoxy resin.

Orgone energy is considered a creative force of nature, which is neither a form of electromagnetism nor matter, but is the founder of both of the above. Wilhelm Reich's research provides a clear insight into the transformation of orgone energy.

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